I’m located in Los Angeles, California, in the United States.
Yes, I am always taking on new clients, but please reach out to me to find out about my current availability, especially if you are interested in one of my 1:1 programs.
Distance Reiki can reach anywhere in the world instantaneously, using the quantum connection between all matter.
Using the very broad strokes of quantum mechanics to explain: we are all (every person, animal, and inanimate object in the universe) made of the same matter, and therefore are, on a cellular level, tiny parts of the same universal organism: existence.
Think of it this way: the Pando Aspen Forest in Utah is one of the largest organisms on Earth, spanning over 100 acres.
What makes it a “single organism” instead of a grouping of 50,000 trees?
The answer is beautifully simple: the root system that connects all of them is the EXACT SAME ROOT.
Just so is our existence.
We are all connected by the exact same matter (the root that is the foundation of our cellular makeup), and thus we are ONE QUANTUM ORGANISM.
Since this quantum organic connection exists, it means that energy can be transferred through our “root system” to every other place in the universe.
TLDR: Reiki can go anywhere in existence, so no it doesn’t matter that I live in California and you live in Mozambique. So reach out! I got you.
Via the BOOK A SESSION form by CLICKING HERE. I encourage you to read through each service first to decide which session you would like to book before filling out the form.
If you’d like to inquire about one of my 1:1 programs, please check out the OFFERINGS section of my website navigation menu.
I currently offer two programs:
THE PHOENIX RISING is my 3-month, 1:1, Reiki intensive designed to help you achieve Post Traumatic Growth and heal your trauma ONCE. AND. FOR. ALL.
ASCENSION 101 is my 12-month, group and 1:1 Reiki Master Certification program. It’s split into three sections: THE DEPTHS, THE CLIMB, and THE PEAK. Each section is a separate program that can be signed up for individually.
Please click on each service on the BOOK A SESSION page for specific pricing info.
During an in-person or distance Reiki session you should expect first and foremost to be COMFORTABLE.
You may sit or lay, you may have your eyes open or closed, you may listen to music or receive in silence, whatever is most comfortable for you.
Please feel free to adjust as necessary during the session to maintain your highest level of comfort.
The only thing I ask is that you dedicate the scheduled time to being present in the moment while receiving, especially during distance sessions.
It is very common to experience physical and emotional sensations while receiving reiki, including but not limited to tingling, feeling of warmth or cold on the skin, restless legs or arms, twitching, seeing colors, deep relaxation, light pressure, and feelings of floating or grounding.
You may even fall asleep during the session, this is perfectly normal and happens all the time!
Sometimes I receive messages from your spirit guides or ancestors during a healing session.
I’m also an intuitive energy reader, which means I can read your energy for truths you need to hear.
Have any other specific questions about what you can expect in a session? Reach out, I got you.
However, Reiki is an alignment practice that can sometimes help you reach your next level of spiritual ascension, and with ascension there can be mild side effects.
It is fairly rare, but you may find yourself experiencing what are known as “Ascension Symptoms” after receiving a Reiki healing.
Usually these symptoms happen when your body is catching up to a spiritual “leveling-up.”
Think of it like spiritual and physical growing pains.
Ascension Symptoms are short-lived and are nothing to be alarmed by! In fact, they are a GREAT sign that your healing session released energy blockages that were keeping you from ascending to your next spiritual level of enlightenment!
Most of my clients who have reported experiencing Ascension Symptoms have specifically reported having vivid dreams, tingling in their hands and feet, increased energy, feeling hot, waves of euphoric joy, excessive thirst, or mild headaches.
If a healer from any modality says to you, “I need to see you every X number of days/weeks for your health and balance,” be wary.
They may just be seeking a steady income from you and may not have your greatest good in mind.
So how will you know how often you need a reiki balancing or healing session?
Simple: you will know.
You’ll get a thought in the back of your mind, thinking, “you know, I could really use a reiki session,” and that’s when you’ll know it’s time.
TRUST YOURSELF. Your body, mind, and spirit know exactly what you need when you need it, all you have to do is listen. No one can know what you need for healing more than you, Beloved.
That said, within the container of my trauma healing program, THE PHOENIX RISING, and in my Reiki 1, 2, & 3 certification program, THE CLIMB and THE PEAK, weekly Reiki is part of the curriculum.
There is no limit to how many times one can healthfully receive Reiki.
I personally administer self-reiki every day!
I also have several clients to whom I give Reiki daily to help them with specific ailments such as insomnia and anxiety.
As I stated in the previous question above, only you can know what’s best for you, but there is no such thing as “too much Reiki.”
That said, Reiki is not a substitute to medical treatment or therapy, nor is it a substitute to doing the spiritual work you need to do to reach your next level of ascension.
Look within, and you’ll know if you are seeking out Reiki to help you heal and grow, or trying to use it to help you skip the hard stuff.
As Reiki is an intelligent energy that will go only where it’s needed for your greatest good, if it won’t do you any good, it won’t do anything at all for you.
No problem! Reach out!