emerge from the ashes of your trauma into the life of your dreams
I see you, Beloved…
You have an enormous heart capable of so much love. You’re driven, dynamic, and you seem to magnetize people to you. You know how to work hard, and you’ve definitely known what it feels like to be happy.
something is
You’re doing “ok”, but you can’t remember the last time you felt true joy. Sometimes you feel like there’s a dark pit, smoldering somewhere deep inside of you. You try not to feel the heat of it for too long, so you numb or distract…
Maybe you keep hopping from job to job searching for the one that will light you tf up and make you feel like you’re living out your true purpose, but so far they’ve all just been “meh”…
Or maybe you keep repeating the same relationship patterns that make you feel like you’re in a constant cycle of getting burned in love, and you just wonder when you’re going to find “the one”…
Maybe you have a painful family dynamic. You sacrifice yourself on the pyre of your generational trauma time and again, and nothing ever gets better, everyone just stands by, adding fuel to the fire…
And maybe, worst of all, you have a sneaking suspicion that if anyone ever got to know the real you, they wouldn’t like you so much after all…
Do you know what all that weight is, sitting heavy on your chest, burning a whole right through you?
You know life is supposed to be more beautiful than this. And it can be.
Your life can be wildly fulfilling, full of adventure, & a non-stop joy-fest.
All that drama you used to be caught up in? GONE.
All those fights in your relationships? NONEXISTENT.
You can stop fanning the flames of your trauma and just live in total PEACE.
So then how in the hell do we douse trauma?
How do we get free of it?
How do we RISE?
I see you because I am you.

My name is MARIA and I’m an Empath, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Trauma-Informed Life Coach, & Certified Reiki Master.
I help my clients beat their trauma for good by teaching them how to achieve Post Traumatic Growth and reacquaint their nervous systems with what it feels like to be safe again. I teach them how to rise from the ashes of their trauma and into the life of their dreams.
I’ve been a student of psychology and an advocate for mental health for most of my adult life. I’ve been in therapy regularly for over a decade, and I’ve learned so much through my own journey to heal my trauma. In addition, I’ve educated myself extensively about how to create safe, trauma-informed spaces for myself and others. Why have I done all this?
I have been through more trauma than any one person should ever have to endure in a single lifetime.
Toxic family dynamics? Been there.
Bullying in school? Done that.
Racial profiling and discrimination? Sigh…yeah.
Verbally abusive teachers, bosses, & colleagues? Yup. That too.
Disordered eating? As long as I can remember--I’m actively working on it.
Sexual Assault? I’ve lost count...almost.
Abusive marriage? Yep. I know her.
Living in extreme poverty? That too, actually.
A chronic illness? If only it weren’t true.
Losing my job, my friends, and my family? More than once, I’m not even kidding.
…And the trauma doesn’t stop there.
The point is, I’m a SURVIVOR.
I have beaten all the odds, climbed every God-forsaken mountain (beat it, Audra MacDonald. I got this!), and proven myself to be resilient every time.
But how did I Rise?
When I first tried Reiki in early 2019, it was an incredibly difficult time of my life. My marriage was up in smoke, I couldn’t seem to rise out of shame, and I was breathless from the searing pain of heartache mixed with rage.
I’d been meditating for about a year, and that was going great, but something was missing for me, and I couldn’t hold onto peace for long enough to make lasting change …
… it just slipped
through my hands like
crumbling ash.

Then, I tried Reiki.
And in just a few months, I went from healing to HEALER.
In the fall of 2019, I was fresh off a Reiki session with my Reiki Master, Jamie. I was meditating when fell into a trance state…I felt a strong tingling in my palms and when I opened my eyes, a golden stream of healing light was shooting out of my hands! For months my hands tingled incessantly, and every time I touched someone in pain, they felt better. What I was experiencing was the transformative power of Reiki—I had opened my own energy channels for healing!
Since stepping into my power as a Healer, I’ve found an unshakable peace, and all that pain and dis-ease that I lived in before has just floated away, like vanishing smoke…
After two failed marriages, innumerable lost friendships, a career destroyed, being estranged from my family, and an ocean of tears, I was finally forced to reckon with the uncomfortable idea that maybe I was the common factor in my own misery…
Or, rather, my trauma was.
I decided to really commit to my own healing, and now I’m living my most authentic, joyous life! I have a precious circle of friends who support me through thick and thin. I have a wonderful partner who unconditionally supports and loves me. My relationship with my parents and family is healing and growing. I have built a business I completely love—my Life Practice. I no longer go into shame so easily, and I don’t feel sadness or loneliness nearly as often as I feel deep gratitude, joy, and immense love. I tap into compassion on the regular, and I feel so much safer than I ever thought was possible for me.
I’m actually HAPPY. Not “happy” as in “content,” but “happy” as in “truly on fire for life, filled with a joy so big it brings me to tears on the daily.” That kind of happy.
The point I’m making, Beloved, is that if I can do it, WHY CAN’T YOU?
Here’s the (loving, but) bracing slap-in-the-face that you will come to expect when you work with me:
What you have been doing so far isn’t working for you, my love.
Your dreams and goals deserve better. Your desires deserve better. Your future self deserves better. Your family, friends, and partners deserve better. BUT MOST OF ALL, YOU DESERVE BETTER, BABE.
You’ve been doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
You have to choose to change the narrative, lean into your trauma (and your programming), and burn it all to the ground so you can start LIVING YOUR LIFE.
And here’s the good news:

THE PHOENIX RISING is designed to help you heal your trauma Once. And. For. All. It’s a potent blend of psychology, energetics, quantum mechanics, spirituality, and ancient wisdom that’s tailored to you, your trauma, and your future. It’s a mixture of everything you’ve had a sneaking suspicion that your soul has been telling you you need, but that you haven’t known how to find.
A 3-month 1:1 trauma healing intensive designed specifically to foster Post Traumatic Growth so that you can finally leave your trauma behind and live the life of your dreams: the life you deserve.
This experience is not about trying the same old healing techniques that haven’t served you in the past. This is about honing in on what your mind, spirit, and physical body need so that you can learn how to become the self-healer you’ve always known you can be.

Within the container of THE PHOENIX RISING, you’ll
>> GROW << compassion for yourself and for others in a way that breaks the cycle of guilt and shame and honors the Divine in you, so you can stop blaming yourself for your trauma and rise from it once and for all.
>> LEARN << how to re-regulate your nervous system so you can pull yourself out of Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn trauma response and train your body how to finally Fly instead, letting your old traumas go!
>> SHIFT << your beliefs and fears from “this is how it’s always been” to “it doesn’t have to be this way,” so you can start to trust your intuition, set those damned boundaries, and treat yourself with the respect and love you are worthy of.
>> BECOME << the self-healer you’ve always known you could be by learning to listen to your body, trust your gut, and recognize the triggers that spark your trauma response so you can move into action and heal what needs healing.
>> DEVELOP << a community of support so you can know that someone will always be there to catch you when you fall, and help you replenish your own capacity to be there for the people you care about as well.
>> CREATE << a connection to the Divine (or The Universe, or Spirit, or whatever you call your God) so you can learn how to see yourself as a Divine Being who is capable and worthy of healing, happiness, peace, and LIVING A LIFE ON FIRE.

>> a life in which you never have to lie to anyone again about what you believe, what you want, what you like, or how you want to be treated
>> friends who get you so much that you don’t feel like you have to explain yourself to them, who you feel completely energized being around
>> being in a loving relationship that nourishes you in every way, not constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop but instead feeling at peace with the knowledge that you are loved just for who you are
>> waking up every day energized and ready to dive into your work because it’s not draining or hostile or toxic, it’s a stable, rewarding, invigorating career that leaves you feeling proud, accomplished, & excited for the future
>> feeling so happy and grateful your heart could burst, and weeping buckets of tears--but not tears of misery or shame or dejection, but tears of joy, gratitude, and awe
>> Here’s the future state of your life <<
(I see it so clearly, so let me share it with you)…
>>You have FINALLY figured out how to love yourself, and your life mirrors that: no more disrespecting yourself with toxic habits, people, or thoughts.
>>You have the dream job, the dream friends, the dream relationship, and you wake up every day feeling so fucking grateful you could just laugh out loud!
>>Your family is thriving, loving, and safe for you to be around: no more scorched earth ruining your Thanksgiving, now family time at the holidays is something you look forward to!
>>Your interactions with others are so nourishing and full of love. All the drama of your past has just…burned away.
>>You can see the shades of grey in every situation, and the shit that used to bother you just doesn’t anymore.
>>You know when to rest; you take vacations and self-care days without guilt, after all, it’s just another way to celebrate yourself!
>>You’re an expert at setting boundaries in a way that feels empowered for you and empowering to others. You have so much energy because you’re no longer being drained by all that crap that didn’t serve you.
>>You’re literally living your best life. All those personal and professional goals that once seemed out of reach are yours! You’re doing the damned thing. (*cue Alicia Keys’ “This Girl is on Fire”*)

So what if you knew you could have the best life? What wouldn’t you do for a shot at that?
Here’s how you’ll do it:
Post Traumatic Growth, Self-Compassion, and Nervous System Regulation…
…the pyramid of THE PHOENIX RISING
Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) was first scientifically defined in the 1990’s by psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun as a phenomenon whereby sufferers of trauma find themselves not only happy and well-adjusted after their trauma, but actually happier and more authentically themselves than before the trauma ever occurred.
What psychologists and researchers have been able to determine is that there are three main factors to achieving Post Traumatic Growth:

Most trauma healing options out there focus on talk therapy, and trust me, WE WILL TALK. But Talk therapy can only heal the mind of trauma, and trauma lives in your mind and your body.
Studies have shown that our nervous systems can’t tell the difference between types, severities, or timelines of trauma.
Which means that any time you’re in physical pain, the likelihood is that your nervous system is reflexively reacting to trauma (either current or in the past) in Fight, Flight, Freeze or Fawn.
I’m guessing that by this point you’re thinking, “Coooooool. That’s all super interesting, but if I can’t heal my trauma in the nervous system, wtf am I supposed to do with all this pain?”
I have good news!
That’s why THE PHOENIX RISING is so different from other programs. With weekly Reiki, guided meditations, and customized somatic exercises, we retrain your nervous system to feel safe so that you can heal from your trauma once and for all.

What exactly is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese healing practice whereby the practitioner channels the Universal Life Force that exists on a quantum level in everyone and everything into the recipient to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing and balance.
This is usually a hands-on practice, but can also be given over the greatest of distances by building an energetic bridge from practitioner to recipient. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “Life Force Energy.” So Reiki is actually “Spiritually Guided Life-Force Energy.”
There are too many studies that confirm the physical and emotional benefits of Reiki to list here, but suffice it to say that study participants have experienced everything from lowered blood pressure, to deep relaxation, to improved circulation, and so much more. Specific studies on how Reiki affects cortisol levels and Fight or Flight response leave no doubt that Reiki can, in fact, re-regulate the nervous system!
Sound’s awesome, right?
It gets BETTER.
Reiki with me includes an intuitive energy reading, so we can know where your energy is guiding us as we move towards your healing.
>> Meet Dom <<
Dom was struggling to find motivation and joy after experiencing a lifetime of traumas that just built up in his system, and after working for four months in The Phoenix Rising, he joined Ascension 101 to become a Reiki Master himself!

My trusted practitioners bring additional depth and nuance to your container to give you a comprehensive healing experience with a-la-carte sessions that you can add on as needed.
Hypnotherapy? We've got you covered.
Eating Disorder recovery coaching? That too.
Subconscious reprogramming? Yup!
Trauma Story coaching? You betcha.
And way, way more.
($500 value per session, specially priced for Phoenixes at $333)
>> Meet Darya <<
Hey, I’m Darya!
I’m an intuitive business coach, hypnotherapist, and Neuro-Alchemist.
Through my certifications in Reiki, NLP, EFT, success & life coaching, clinical hypnotherapy, and TIME techniques, as well as my own blend of magical modalities, I help you break through unconscious patterns and limiting beliefs to help you live from your highest truth and co-create the life you desire.
Darya is a graduate of my Year-Long 1:1 Reiki Certification program, ASCENSION 101 . She came to me seeking to foster more compassion in her life, and now she’s a deeply powerful Reiki Master in her own right!
Now, Darya is offering Quantum Breakthrough Healing Sessions as part of The Phoenix Rising! In these sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to break through whatever limiting beliefs or subconscious blocks are holding you back from your deepest healing. You’ll time-travel, integrate your inner child, reprogram neural pathways, and more—all under Darya’s expert care!
After working with me weekly since March 2021, Darya has become so confident in this program’s success that she decided to bring her own special brand of magic to The Phoenix Rising.
I’ll let her tell you her experience in her own words:
>> Meet Autumn <<
Hi, I’m Autumn!
I’m a nationally certified holistic clinical nutritionist with an expert functional approach to whole body nutrition.
I believe in the importance of spreading awareness that nutrition and wellness are at the core of most chronic health conditions.
I’m passionate about unwinding the pervasive shame, guilt, and stigma around food and diet culture that causes trauma and psychological harm.
Autumn and I met this year and it was love at first talk!
I’m a huge fan of her scientific approach to how trauma affects the body, and her loving but no-nonsense process in helping people heal their relationships with food.
Autumn will be offering Purify Your Perspective + Relationship with Food: Reclaiming Your Power over Food and Nutrition sessions for Phoenixes who struggle with body image issues or who are recovering from disordered eating/exercising.
The Purify Your Perspective + Relationship with Food session will purify the way you see yourself and your plate when it comes to food and nutrition. Leave this session with a completely transformed outlook and regain your confidence knowing exactly what a healthy relationship with food really looks like. As a bonus, you’ll learn what your body needs to support your mental health nutritionally and you’ll get a mini-deep dive with a personal nutrition assessment!
>> Meet Carla <<
Hi loves! My name is Carla Russo.
I’m a journalist, life coach + leadership mentor, who specializes in Human Design, transformative storytelling, shadow work, + the energetics of identity.
I’m certified in Reiki, Neurolinguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), TIME Techniques , hypnotherapy and life and success coaching.
I approach life the way that I was trained as a reporter—to ask the right questions, see through what’s being said + uncover the deeper truths.
I use a blend of identity + shadow work, NLP, and energy work to help you uncover your truth and hone its magic in your life.
I’ve known Carla since the very beginning of my Life Practice, so believe me when I say I trust her with my life. I myself have had healing sessions with Carla and being in her healing presence has been so life-altering for me!
Carla is offering Shadow-to-Self Mastery Sessions, combining her expert knowledge of Human Design and her Unshakable approach to Shadow Work to help you dive into the hidden depths of your identity, your energy, and your life’s unique stories to unleash who you were always meant to be.
In Shadow-to-Self Mastery Sessions, Carla will help you claim and conquer your trauma story, find and integrate your most authentic self, and do all of it while holding deeply loving and intuitive space for you.
Carla is an alumna of THE PHOENIX RISING herself, and after experiencing the transformative power of this program, she decided to add her own magic to the mix as a practitioner and healer.
I’ll let her tell you about her experience in THE PHOENIX RISING in her own words:
>> Meet Ashley <<
Hi there, I'm Coach Ashley Vives Williams
I'm a somatic embodiment coach, breathwork facilitator, self-care advocate, and luxury retreat host.
I'm a certified Master NLP Practitioner, Social & Emotional Intelligence Coach, and Revelation Breathwork Facilitator. And, have been featured on CBS, Martha Stewart, and Miss NY USA.
I believe that trauma lives in the body and every one of us has the authority to release it. I am here to help you excavate that trauma cell by cell and transmute it into divine power and knowing. .
When Ashley and I met I was floored by her heart-first, compassionate approach to guiding people to regulation. I knew right away that her energy and expertise was exactly what would help my my Phoenixes achieve their highest healing.
Ashley is offering Breathe, Release, Embody Sessions, aimed at helping you get into your body and release the trauma from your cells.
Together, you and Ashley will create custom somatic release sessions tailored to your needs including (but, not limited to) breathwork, shaking meditations, visualizations, hypnotherapy, and more!
You’ll work together to uncover and embody the person you've always had within. A person who feels immense freedom and confidence.
Your Breathe, Release, Embody Sessions with Ashley will liberate you from the expectations of society, family, friends, and yourself. You’ll return you back to your home within your body.
It's time to give yourself permission to be fully expressed. The more you tap into freedom, gratitude, and radical love, the more you call in abundance in your life!

How much is the program?
THE PHOENIX RISING is a financial investment of $3000, with the option to add on Trusted Practitioner Sessions a-la-carte at an investment of $333 per session, and a time investment of approximately 1.5 hours per week for 3 months..
Do you have payment plans?
Of course! You can pay bi-weekly, monthly, or all up front. If you need to discuss an extended payment plan, please let me know in your application and I’ll be sure to remember to bring it up in our Clarity + Connection call (the final part of your application process before being accepted into the program).
What happens after I apply?
I’ll reach out to you to schedule a Clarity + Connection Call. Think of it like a “vibe check”, where we can get to know each other, you can ask me anything you want about the program, and we can make the decision as a team to work together on your healing!
What if I can’t do weekly Reiki? What if I have to miss a week?
I understand that things come up, our schedules get hectic, sometimes we get sick or have a vacation out of town planned. I don’t want those things to stand in the way of you saying YES to your healing.
We can take weeks off from Reiki within the container for any reason you need, and we’ll just consider that an “integration week”. We can substitute the two-hour Reiki session for a one hour Spiritual Mentoring call on weeks when time is tight for you, or we can skip Reiki altogether.
That said, these sessions will not be rolled over to the end of the program, so weeks you don’t use Reiki will not be made up.
Do I have to meditate every day?
You are going to get out of this program what you put in. I encourage all participants of THE PHOENIX RISING to meditate daily, especially using the meditations I have designed and recorded specifically for this program.
Can I join TPR and get a refund if it’s not a fit?
Rapport between us is going to be SO important to help you do your best healing work. If for any reason you feel like we aren’t meshing or the program isn’t working for you, you can change your mind up to two weeks into the program and still receive a full refund (minus $500 for the time already spent in the program).
Is it really possible for you to heal my trauma in 3 months?
First of all, I’m not healing you. You are healing yourself. I am facilitating your healing by teaching you how to do it yourself.
Secondly, I’m not guaranteeing you’ll be healed of your trauma in 3 months. What I am absolutely sure of is that after this 3-month program is complete, you’ll have all the tools necessary to fully integrate your healing, in your own time.
Healing isn’t linear and it takes as long as it takes, so to promise you that you’ll be fully healed in three months would be irresponsible of me—although it’s definitely not impossible—and my clients who have already participated in THE PHOENIX RISING have all experienced major, life-altering transformations within their 3-month containers, so there’s so much to look forward to!
What if I want to keep doing this program after the 3 months is up?
You can remain in THE PHOENIX RISING for as long as you like. After the 3-month container is finished and completely paid in full, you can renew your commitment on a month-to-month basis for $1000 per month.
I have another question that’s not answered here…
Awesome! I love questions! Please reach out to me at maria@ascendingarts.exchange with any questions you may have.
Welcome, Beloved!
I am so honored to walk this road with you. Take your time, feel into it, and when you’re ready to RISE FROM THE ASHES OF YOUR TRAUMA INTO THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS, join me. Let’s Rise together.
XOXO, Maria
© 2021 Ascending Arts, LLC | website & photography by DominantArts.Design