an exchange of
Here you will experience a multimedia blog where my music career and healing practice collide, intermingle, and exchange.
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I now offer full-day and half-day Corporate Reiki sessions with group and individual Reiki, presentations on the science behind Reiki and why it helps to improve productivity and inspiration, and so much more!

Reiki Healing with Energy Reading
Life is full of stress, triggers, traumas, and toxicity--and that was BEFORE the pandemic! If you’re feeling run down, burned out, or even just uninspired lately, a Reiki healing session is a great place to start!

Spiritual Mentoring
In 1-on-1 mentoring with me, we will dive into whatever life issues you deem most pressing. I can promise you a safe space where you will be validated and honored, and you will come out of the session with a new actionable to help you on your road to self-healing

Pet Reiki
Did you know animals love Reiki?! It’s true! Everyone deserves peace, especially your beloved pet. I have many non-human clients, and it’s always such a joy to work with them. Your fur baby will benefit from a distance Reiki session!

National Eating Disorder Week
It’s National Eating Disorder Week and I’ve literally never talked about my disordered eating. I think there are only a couple of people who know about this, and they’re my BEST friends, and my therapist.
A Socially Minded Business
I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase, “you cannot pour from an empty cup.”

A Mindful Moment
Now bring yourself gently back to this present moment. What did the voice whisper to you? That is your mantra for today!

My First Podcast Appearance!
Ok, *technically* my first podcast was the “POPeracast” for Pacific Opera Project back in 2017 for their production of Carmen, but this was my first time as a guest on a podcast since stepping into my life calling as a healer, so that has to count for something!

Standing in Your Power this Holiday Season
It’s that time of year again, Beloveds, but with some notable exceptions (I’m lookin’ at you, COVID). The holidays are upon us, and with them come family gatherings (no, Grandma, I’m not dating anyone yet), seasonal changes (seasonal depression is a real thing, y’all), and a cornucopia of challenges that always seem to be present in this season.
The Answered Prayer
Every prayer we have is answered, Beloveds. It’s just not always answered in the way we were expecting. Drop your expectations, open your heart to possibility, and see how everything you have ever wanted is right at the tip of your reality--you just have to recognize the opportunity when it shows up!

New Website Announcement
I’m so thrilled to announce that after months of carefully crafting my new website with the brilliant Jonathan Morgan of DominantArts.Design it’s finally ready to be revealed to all of you

Holding Space for You
Let’s talk. Not every day in my life is perfect or great. And since authenticity is a huge part of my practice, it’s important to me that you know that.
The Fifth Reiki Principle
Over the last four weeks, we’ve discussed the origin of Dr. Usui’s gokai, his precepts for living in right relationship with the universe, and we took a look at the first gokai, “Just for today, I will not worry,” the second, “Just for today, I will not anger,” the third, “Just for today, I will be filled with humble gratitude,” and the fourth, “Just for today, my true self will be reflected in my work.” Today, we’re going to dedicate ourselves to the fifth gokai.
The Fourth Reiki Principle
Over the last three weeks, we have discussed the origin of Dr. Usui’s gokai, his precepts for living in right relationship with the universe, and we took a look at the first gokai, “Just for today, I will not worry,” the second gokai, “Just for today, I will not anger,” and the third gokai, “Just for today, I will be filled with humble gratitude.” Today, we are going to dedicate ourselves to the fourth gokai.

The Third Reiki Principle
Over the last two weeks, we have discussed the origin of Dr. Usui’s gokai, his precepts for living in right relationship with the universe, and we took a look at the first gokai, “Just for today, I will not worry,” and the second gokai, “Just for today, I will not anger.” Today, we are going to dedicate ourselves to the third gokai:
The Second Reiki Principle
Last week, we discussed the origin of Dr. Usui’s gokai, his precepts for living in right relationship with the universe, and we took a look at the first gokai, “Just for today, I will not worry.” Today, we are going to dedicate ourselves to the second gokai:

The First Reiki Principle
When Usui Mikao, the founder of Reiki Ryoho, began teaching, he created five gokai, or “admonitions”, which broke down his path to the state of near-enlightenment that resulted in his Universal Attunement to Reiki. When Usui Mikao, the founder of Reiki Ryoho, began teaching, he created five gokai, or “admonitions”, which broke down his path to the state of near-enlightenment that resulted in his Universal Attunement to Reiki.

Shadow Work
Shadow Work is a principle of Jungian Psychology whereby we work with our personal darkness (our “Shadow Self”) to foster self-compassion, authenticity, personal growth, and even enlightenment.

Clear Your Mind
The most common myth I hear about meditation is that you’re supposed to “clear your mind.” Do you know how literally I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E it is to clear your mind?! Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts per day. That's an average of 2,500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour. And studies have shown that the conscious mind can think up to four thoughts at the same time! So, yeahhhhhh... If you plan to clear your mind when you meditate, good friggin’ luck.

Energy Exchange
I don’t believe in withholding healing from those who need it based on their ability to pay money, especially now with one of the highest global unemployment rates in history. But the Reiki deserves respect, as does my time. So, I offer my services for what I like to call an “Energy Exchange”.