an exchange of
Here you will experience a multimedia blog where my music career and healing practice collide, intermingle, and exchange.
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National Eating Disorder Week
It’s National Eating Disorder Week and I’ve literally never talked about my disordered eating. I think there are only a couple of people who know about this, and they’re my BEST friends, and my therapist.
A Socially Minded Business
I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase, “you cannot pour from an empty cup.”

Energy Exchange
I don’t believe in withholding healing from those who need it based on their ability to pay money, especially now with one of the highest global unemployment rates in history. But the Reiki deserves respect, as does my time. So, I offer my services for what I like to call an “Energy Exchange”.

Oppression Healing
My #oppressionhealing program started out as a response to the violent murder of George Floyd, the resulting BLM protests, and the subsequent antiracism activism initiatives that swept social media platforms, news stations, and the world. As someone who has always been a vocal supporter of Black Lives Matter, but who had been comfortably “not racist” instead of antiracist, my activism desperately fell short and my new education was teaching me that, BUT QUICK.

Light in the Darkness
To shine a light in the darkness is not an easy thing. It requires the vision to understand why the darkness exists in the first place and the empathy to speak to that darkness saying, “I see you. I hear you. I am you,” so that you can turn it into light gently.

Decolonize Your Mind
I’ve been thinking about my own colonization a lot lately. I’m half Mexican and half white but I was raised in a white environment with white ideals, I received a white education, and I have a whitewashed understanding of race and history.